petchola vs bare pets review

Choosing the Right Pet Food: A Comparative Analysis of Petchola vs. Bare Pets

In the vast world of pet care, selecting the optimal nutrition for our furry friends is a crucial decision for every pet owner. Among the myriad of choices in the Philippines, Petchola and Bare Pets emerge as notable contenders. These brands have carved their niches within the pet food market, each adhering to distinct philosophies and practices regarding pet nutrition. This article aims to offer a detailed and unbiased opinion comparing Petchola and Bare Pets by shedding light on possible manufacturing processes, ingredient sourcing/quality, and transparency in the nutritional standards, guiding pet owners towards making an informed purchase for their best friend.

Petchola Pet Food: Embracing Local Heritage and Manufacturing

Petchola, proudly manufactured in the Philippines, represents a choice in pet nutrition and a commitment to supporting local industries. However, while their manufacturing practices are not transparent with their consumers, the Philippines is not yet on the list of countries that produce a significant amount of dog food. This is largely due to the sheer complexity of manufacturing quality dog kibble. 

Manufacturing quality dog kibble requires a few major components, including but not limited to international regulatory compliance, safety protocols, a manufacturing process that adheres to international standards for pet food production, and high-quality ingredients. While the Philippines has the raw materials and some infrastructure for manufacturing quality pet food, challenges like consistent quality control, adherence to international standards, and the right investment in the necessary technology may exist. However, these challenges also present opportunities for growth and improvement in the sector. The increasing demand for high-quality pet food within the country and in international markets could drive further development in this area.

While Petchola prides itself on utilising Filipino ingredients, it does not explicitly disclose its ingredient sourcing or manufacturing facilities. This lack of transparency becomes a concern, especially considering the Philippines currently lacks a large sector of specialised pet food manufacturing plants that can guarantee the same quality and safety as those in Europe, the USA and other top-producing countries known for their quality.

Any claims of providing quality nutrition with locally sourced ingredients must be further examined against the manufacturing practices and ingredient sourcing. The assertion that local produce always equals better quality does not hold without transparent practices and stringent quality controls. This poses risks for potential cross-contamination if (key word, “if”, since the brand doesn’t disclose this) it’s being performed in a country with many livestock and aqua feeds. The general consensus among pet food manufacturing experts suggests that the environment in which pet food is made can significantly impact its quality and safety.

At the end of the day, we fully support locally-grown products and brands; however, transparency is key in an industry that has been plagued with dishonest practices for far too long. This is one of the core reasons we started Bare. To make a change. To hold brands accountable. To be a source of truth for pet parents looking for reliable, honest and trustworthy information for their pets.

Bare Pets: A Testament to Quality and Transparency

In stark contrast, Bare Pets prioritises the quality and traceability of its ingredients, with 95% sourced from Europe. This commitment ensures a high level of ingredient quality and supports the brand’s dedication to transparency. By manufacturing the Bare Candidly Fresh Chicken in Europe, there is a clear upper hand where not only 100% of ingredients can be traced to their origin, but also 95% of them are sourced directly from Europe, giving its customers confidence in the quality of ingredients and manufacturing best practices.  

The Quest for Quality: European Standards in Pet Food

Bare Pets’ commitment to sourcing ingredients from Europe is a testament to its pursuit of superior quality. European and international regulations ensure that ingredients used in pet food are safe, of superior quality, and traceable back to their source. This level of scrutiny and transparency sets Bare Pets apart from not only Petchola but most brands today, further offering pet owners peace of mind about their pets’ nutrition.

Meeting Nutritional Standards: AAFCO Compliance

Both brands meet the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) standards, ensuring their products provide complete and balanced nutrition for dogs. This commonality signifies that despite their differences, both brands are committed to meeting established nutritional guidelines and doing their personal best to serve pet parents. 

The Importance of Grains in Dog Food | Should you feed your dog grain-free? 

In recent years, grain-free dog diets have surged in popularity among pet owners, driven by concerns over allergies, dietary sensitivities, and the quest for higher protein intake for their canine companions. These diets exclude traditional grain ingredients like wheat, corn, and rice, opting for alternatives such as potatoes, peas, and lentils. While the appeal of grain-free food is clear, especially for pets with specific sensitivities, it’s crucial to weigh the benefits against potential health concerns to make an informed decision.

One of the primary advantages of grain-free diets is their ability to alleviate symptoms in dogs with grain allergies or sensitivities, which can manifest as skin irritations or digestive issues. However, providing a dog with grain-free options that don’t have a dietary need for it could be more harmful than helpful. 

Bare Pets champions the inclusion of grains in their current dog food formulation. Contrary to popular belief, grains are not always merely used as fillers; they can be a valuable source of essential nutrients for dogs. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has highlighted the importance of grains in a balanced canine diet, debunking myths that grain-free diets are inherently healthier for all dogs FDA, 2019.

While consulting your vet on any pet food is important, before transitioning your dog to a grain-free diet, consulting with a veterinarian is paramount to ensure you’re providing your dog with a diet that represents their health as a priority first. 

Unlocking the Nutritional Secrets of Petchola’s True Dog Food: A True Review

In the world of pet nutrition, transparency and quality are key to ensuring our furry friends receive the best possible care. Petchola’s True dog food aims to meet our canine companions’ dietary needs with various ingredients designed to support their health and vitality. While assessing the nutritional value and transparency of Petchola’s offerings, we delve into its formula’s specifics, highlighting its strengths and areas where clarity could be enhanced. Join us as we navigate the nutritional landscape of this popular dog food brand, giving pet owners the insights needed to make informed decisions

Let’s review some of the notable ingredients below from Petchola’s True dog food. While the list below is not comprehensive and does leave out some great and positive additions to their recipe, some are worth noting. 

  • Poultry Meal: This could be considered a good source of protein; however, it’s important to ensure it’s from a high-quality source. Poultry meal consists of the milled, rendered, and cleaned parts of the carcasses of slaughtered poultry. Inedible tissues comprising the raw materials include the heads, necks, feet, undeveloped eggs, intestines, and skeletal frames from which muscles have been removed. Unnamed poultry meals may include meat from various unidentified animal sources, which can be a concern for pet owners with pets that have food allergies or sensitivities.
  • Cassava Granules: Also known as tapioca, it’s generally safe but is a high-carbohydrate ingredient with minimal nutritional value for dogs.
  • Potato Starch: Safe but high in carbohydrates and is typically used as a binder in many dog foods.
  • Palatant: This is generally used to make the kibble more appealing to dogs; the safety depends on the specific substances used. However, if the ingredients sourced are fresh, this would push us to wonder why additives like this are needed.
  • Plasma Protein: A protein source that can be beneficial, though the quality can vary depending on its source.
  • Coconut Oil: Contains medium-chain triglycerides, which can be beneficial but should be used in moderation due to high saturated fat content.
  • Pea Protein: A plant-based protein source that is generally safe but has been associated with dietary issues in some dogs, particularly in grain-free diets linked to DCM (dilated cardiomyopathy).
  • Salt: Can be harmful in excess amounts. 
  • Mold inhibitor: Considered a type of food additive. This usually has a more specialized role compared to general preservatives. While preservatives are used broadly to prevent or slow down spoilage caused by bacteria, molds, and other microorganisms, mold inhibitors specifically target mold and yeast growth, which is a great addition to this recipe. 

On a positive note, we do see that they have a supplementary amount of vitamins and minerals, probiotics and much more that really elevates their product. Petchola’s True adult dog food is also AAFCO certified, as mentioned earlier on, and looks to meet the right nutritional levels of macronutrients despite the transparency of the quality and percentage included in each ingredient. 

However, due to the lack of transparency in the above ingredients, it makes it really hard to know whether some of the raw materials are genuinely from quality sources or, on the other hand, if the amounts included are at vet-recommended nutritional values given the lack of transparency. Moreover, due to the lack of true transparency, it’s hard to advise if the vitamins and minerals included were done so at efficacious levels that are genuinely beneficial to pets. 

The Verdict: Tailoring Your Choice to Your Pet’s Needs

Choosing between Petchola and Bare Pets ultimately depends on personal preferences and your pet’s specific nutritional needs. 

Petchola and Bare Pets present viable options for pet owners seeking kibble for their dogs. However, by understanding each brand’s approach to pet food production, ingredient sourcing, and ingredient breakdown, you should be well-equipped to make an informed decision that aligns with your pet’s health needs and preferences. 

While Petchola’s True Adult Dog Food demonstrates a commitment to supporting the nutritional needs of dogs with its AAFCO certification and inclusion of beneficial vitamins, minerals, and probiotics, the quest for greater transparency remains. Understanding the source, quality and percentage included in each ingredient is paramount for pet owners seeking the best for their companions.

Despite these challenges, Petchola’s True stands out for its effort to balance comprehensive nutrition with taste appeal. As we continue to advocate for clearer labelling and ingredient sourcing in the pet food industry, Petchola’s True dog food emerges as a noteworthy option for those looking to buy locally created-Filipino grain-free dog food.

For those who are looking to buy the best grain-inclusive dog kibble that is highly transparent about what ingredients are included, where they are sourced, and genuinely has your pet’s best interest in mind, you can check out the options available from Bare.

*As of this writing, Bare does not offer Grain-free options for those in need but intends to offer premium grain-free recipes in the future with high-quality ingredients and full transparency in its labelling.

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

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