
Is Your Dog a Picky Eater? Here’s What You Can Do

Seeing your furry friend refuse their food as a dog owner can be frustrating and worrying. While it’s normal for dogs to have occasional changes in appetite or food preferences, a consistently picky eater can cause concern. A dog that doesn’t eat enough can suffer from malnutrition, weakness, and other health problems. 

So, what can you do if your dog is a picky eater? In this blog, we’ll share some tips and strategies to help you entice your dog to eat and maintain their health.

Tips to Improve Your Dog’s Eating Habits

Rule out underlying health issues.

Before assuming that your dog is just a picky eater, it’s essential to ensure that no underlying health issues are causing it. Some medical conditions, such as dental or gastrointestinal conditions or infections, can affect your dog’s appetite and digestion. 

Take your dog to the vet for a check-up, and make sure to mention any changes in their eating habits.

Stick to a feeding schedule.

A consistent feeding schedule can help regulate your dog’s appetite and prevent them from becoming too hungry or full. Divide your dog’s daily food portion into two or three meals and feed them simultaneously daily. Avoid free-feeding or leaving food out all day, as it can make your dog more selective and less interested in their food.

Offer variety and rotate flavors.

Dogs, like humans, can get bored of eating the same food every day. Try to offer your dog a variety of flavors, textures, and dog food brands. You can also rotate between dry kibble, wet food, or homemade meals. However, transition slowly between foods to avoid upsetting your dog’s digestion.

Add some toppings or mix-ins.

Sometimes, some extra flavor or texture can entice your dog to eat. Consider adding healthy toppings or mix-ins to your dog’s food, such as cooked chicken, beef, fish, plain yogurt, pumpkin puree, or green beans. Avoid adding too much salt, sugar, or spices, as they can harm your dog’s health.

Make mealtimes fun and interactive.

Feeding your dog should be a fun activity. Make mealtimes more enjoyable and interactive by using puzzle feeders, treat-dispensing toys, or hiding food around the house for your dog to find. This can stimulate your dog’s mental and physical activity and make them more interested in their food.

Avoid feeding table scraps or human food.

Feeding your dog table scraps or human food may seem like a quick solution to their picky eating, but it can worsen the problem. Human food can be high in salt, fat, and other ingredients that can harm dogs. It can also encourage begging behavior and make your dog more selective about their food.


Having a picky eater dog can be challenging, but it’s not impossible to overcome. By ruling out any underlying health issues, establishing a feeding schedule, offering variety and rotating flavors, adding some toppings or mix-ins, making mealtimes fun and interactive, and avoiding feeding table scraps, you can encourage your dog to eat and maintain its health. 

Remember to be patient and consistent, and always consult with your vet if you have any concerns. With some love and effort, you can help your picky eater dog develop healthy eating habits and enjoy their meals.

Do you need help with a picky eater? Bare offers a range of delicious and nutritious dog food options that can tempt even the fussiest canine palates. Our variety of flavors and high-quality ingredients cater to different tastes and dietary needs. Visit Bare to explore our products and find the perfect meal solution for your picky eater. Let Bare help your dog not just eat but also enjoy every meal!

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

First Time Pet Parents, Food, Health, Safety, Tips

How to Deal with Picky Puppy Eaters: Tips to Satisfy Your Furry Friend’s Taste Buds

As a loving dog owner, you want to keep your furry friend happy and healthy. Sometimes, that can mean addressing some less-than-ideal behaviors, like picky eating. Does your puppy turn their nose up at specific types of food or refuse to eat altogether? Is their picky eating making every mealtime a challenge? 

Don’t fret; you’re not alone! Many dog owners have experienced this issue, and in this blog, we will discuss the reasons behind picky puppy eating and how you can help your puppy embrace a healthy diet.

Tips on Dealing with Picky Puppy Eaters

1. Understanding the Causes of Picky Eating:

Picky eating can stem from a variety of causes. It might be due to your puppy’s breed, as some breeds are more fussy about their food than others. Medical issues, including dental pain, gastrointestinal problems, or allergies, can cause your puppy to become a picky eater. 

It’s essential to consult with your vet to rule out any medical issues contributing to your puppy’s picky eating behavior.

2. Making Mealtime Fun:

One way to encourage picky eaters to enjoy their food is by making mealtime fun and engaging. Instead of just placing a bowl of food before your puppy, try using food puzzles, slow feeders, or other interactive toys to make them work for their meal. This can provide mental stimulation and may help spark your puppy’s interest in the food you’re serving.

3. Introduce New Foods Gradually:

When trying to tempt a picky eater, it’s important to avoid overwhelming them with new tastes and textures. Start by introducing just a small amount of the new food alongside their regular meal. 

Over time, gradually increase the amount of the new food while decreasing the amount of the old food. This slow transition process can help your puppy become more accepting of the new food.

4. Stay Consistent and Avoid Table Scraps:

If your puppy knows they can get table scraps or treats from you when they refuse their regular food, they’re likelier to continue their picky eating behavior. Staying consistent with your feeding routine and avoiding rewarding them with table scraps or treats when they’re not eating their food is essential to break this cycle. 

Consistency is critical when dealing with picky eaters, so ensure everyone in your household knows and follows the same rules.

5. Consult With Your Vet for Customized Advice:

If you’ve tried multiple strategies to encourage your picky eater to eat and still need improvement, it’s a good idea to consult your veterinarian. They can provide additional guidance on diet changes or other tactics that might benefit your particular puppy. 

There may even be a medically related issue that needs addressing. So, always consider scheduling an appointment with a professional, especially when in doubt.


Picky eating behavior can be frustrating for dog owners, but it’s essential to be patient and persistent while you explore different strategies for helping your puppy enjoy a nutritious diet. Be consistent with your feeding routine, make mealtime fun and engaging, and consult your veterinarian for tailored solutions. 

With time, your picky puppy eater may surprise you and demonstrate a newfound enthusiasm for their meals. Always remember that a happy, well-fed puppy is more likely to grow into a healthy adult dog – and that’s the goal every dog owner should strive for.

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

First Time Pet Parents, Food, Health, Safety, Tips

Adopting a Dog in the Philippines: What You Need to Know

Are you looking to adopt a dog in the Philippines? If so, you’re in luck! There are many ways to find and adopt a perfect pup. Whether through an animal shelter or a trusted rescue organization, there are plenty of options for finding your new best friend. Let’s explore some of these options and what they entail. 

How to Find the Perfect Dog

Animal Shelters 

Adopting from an animal shelter is one of the most popular ways to find a pup in the Philippines. Animal shelters often have a wide variety of breeds and ages of dogs available for adoption. 

When you visit an animal shelter, always speak with the staff about any particular needs your pup may have (for example, if you’re looking for an older dog or need help selecting one). Staff can also advise on how best to care for your new pet. 

Rescue Organizations 

Rescue organizations are another great way to find a furry friend in the Philippines. Many rescue organizations specialize in specific breeds or types of dogs, such as small breeds, big breeds, or even purebred pooches. 

These organizations often have stringent adoption requirements, but they do their due diligence in ensuring their pups end up in loving homes where they will be well cared for. Before committing to them, you must research any rescue organization–to ensure they are reputable and reliable. 

Adoption Fairs & Events 

Adoption events and fairs are another great way to connect with potential pets. Events like these generally occur at convenient locations such as malls or parks, and they usually feature puppies and adult dogs in need of homes. 

At these events, volunteers from local shelters or rescues will be present to answer questions about specific animals and provide general information about adopting pets responsibly. 

It’s always wise to consult with experts before taking home a pup from one of these events; most shelters will require potential adopters to fill out an application before being approved for adoption. 

Additionally, many events offer discounts on puppy supplies such as leashes, collars, toys, food bowls, etc., so attending pays off! 

Health and Vaccination Checks

Before adopting a dog, understand its health history and current vaccination status. Shelters and rescue organizations typically vaccinate dogs against common diseases and provide essential treatments like deworming. Inquiring about any specific medical needs or conditions the dog might have is crucial. This step helps you prepare for the type of care your new pet will require and avoid future surprises regarding its health.

Post-Adoption Support

Many shelters and organizations offer post-adoption support. This assistance can range from training advice to follow-up health checks. New pet owners should take advantage of these resources to ensure a smooth transition for the dog into its new home. Additionally, some organizations may offer a helpline or counseling services for behavioral or health-related queries, further aiding in the adjustment period.

Preparing Your Home

Getting your home ready for a new pet is essential in the adoption process. Pet-proofing areas to ensure safety, setting up a comfortable sleeping spot, and designating feeding areas are vital tasks. Consider factors like where your dog will spend most of its time and any adjustments needed to accommodate its size and energy level. Preparing in advance eases the transition for both you and your new companion.

Integrating the Dog into Your Life

Introducing a new dog to your household requires patience and understanding. If you have other pets, plan gradual introductions to ensure all animals feel safe and comfortable. When introducing the dog to children, supervise their interactions and teach the kids how to interact safely and respectfully with the new family member.

Allow the dog time to adapt to its new environment, understanding that this adjustment period can vary significantly among individual dogs.

Importance of Patience and Commitment

Adopting a dog is a long-term commitment that demands patience, especially if the dog has experienced trauma or neglect. Be prepared for adjustment and be ready to address any behavioral issues with kindness and consistency. The commitment to providing a loving and stable home for the dog’s life is paramount. This includes not just physical care but also emotional support and training.

Legal and Documentation Requirements

Adopting a dog in the Philippines involves specific legal requirements and documentation. Familiarize yourself with the need for pet licensing, microchipping, and any specific local regulations. Completing these legal formalities is essential for responsible pet ownership. They comply with local laws and ensure your pet’s safety and ease of identification if lost.

Costs and Financial Considerations

Understanding the financial implications of dog adoption is crucial. Initial adoption fees are just the beginning. Prospective dog owners must consider ongoing costs such as food, grooming, veterinary care, and emergency medical funds. 

Preparing a budget for these expenses helps evaluate if adopting a dog is a financially viable decision for you. Setting aside a contingency fund for unexpected health issues or emergencies is also wise.

Ethical Considerations and Responsible Ownership

The decision to adopt a dog should be made with careful consideration of ethical and responsible pet ownership. This means committing to lifelong care, including regular veterinary visits, and understanding the responsibilities. 

Consider the impact of pet ownership on your lifestyle and ensure you are prepared for the commitment. Responsible pet ownership also involves spaying or neutering to prevent unwanted litters, contributing to the broader effort to reduce the number of homeless animals.


Adopting a dog is an enriching experience – whether it’s from an animal shelter, rescue organization, or adoption event/fair – there are plenty of options available for those looking for furry friends here in the Philippines! 

However, when deciding which route is correct for you, please consider all factors involved – including financial obligation – before embarking on this journey. 

Doing your research can pay off; ask lots of questions and thoroughly investigate each option before making any commitments! Good luck! Happy adopting!

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

Educational, First Time Pet Parents, Health, Tips

Everything You Need to Know About Rabies and Dogs

Rabies is a viral infection that affects the central nervous system of mammals, including humans, and is almost always fatal. All pet owners need to know about rabies and the steps they can take to protect their pets from this deadly virus. 

Let’s explore what you need to know about rabies in dogs. 

How Does Rabies Affect Dogs? 

The rabies virus is primarily spread through saliva or blood from an infected animal. In dogs, the virus affects the central nervous system and can cause severe neurological symptoms such as seizures, aggression, paralysis, disorientation, and difficulty walking or swallowing. 

The symptoms of rabies can vary depending on the strain of the virus and how far along it has progressed in the dog. The incubation period for rabies in dogs ranges from two weeks to six months after exposure, so pet owners must monitor their pets closely for any unusual behavior or symptoms throughout this time frame. 

Myths and Misconceptions About Rabies

Dispelling myths about rabies is critical to understanding and effectively preventing the disease. One common myth is that rabies is only a concern for pets living in rural areas. In reality, rabies can affect pets in urban areas, too, as they may encounter rabid bats or other wildlife. 

Another misconception is that indoor pets don’t need rabies vaccinations. However, even indoor pets can be exposed to rabies, for instance, through a bat entering the home. Understanding these facts ensures that pet owners do not overlook crucial preventive measures.

Can Pet Dogs Get Rabies? 

Yes, pet dogs are at risk for contracting rabies if bitten by an infected wild animal such as a raccoon, skunk, bat, fox, or coyote. The most common way a pet dog contracts rabies is through contact with an infected wild animal. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize their pet dog could become infected with rabies until too late. 

If your pet dog has had contact with any wild animals recently—even if it wasn’t bitten—it’s crucial to get them checked out by a veterinarian immediately just in case they have been exposed to the virus. 

How Can I Protect My Pet Dog From Rabies? 

The best way to protect your pet dog from contracting rabies is by getting them vaccinated against the virus annually or bi-annually (depending on your vet’s recommendation). Vaccinating your pet also protects other animals from contracting the virus if your pet is ever exposed and comes into contact with another animal before receiving treatment. 

Additionally, keeping your pet away from wild animals and supervising them when outdoors can help reduce their chances of coming into contact with a rabid animal. 

Handling Potential Exposure to Rabies

Immediate action is imperative if your dog is bitten or scratched by a wild or unknown animal. First, safely restrain your dog to prevent any further contact. Then, wearing gloves, examine the wound and gently clean it with soap and water. Contact your veterinarian immediately, even if your dog is up to date with its rabies vaccinations. They may recommend a booster shot or further medical intervention. 

Following a potential rabies exposure, your dog might need to be quarantined or observed for a specific period, as determined by local health authorities. This period is crucial for monitoring and development of rabies symptoms.

Legal Requirements and Rabies Certification

Different regions have specific legal requirements for rabies vaccinations in pets. Most states mandate that dogs receive regular rabies shots from around 12 to 16 weeks of age. 

As a pet owner, you must familiarize yourself with these laws in your area. After vaccination, dogs are issued a rabies certificate, a vital document that proves your pet’s immunization status. This certificate is often required for travel, boarding, and sometimes licensing. Keeping it updated ensures your dog complies with local regulations and is protected against rabies.

Recognizing Early Symptoms in Dogs

Identifying the early signs of rabies in dogs can be lifesaving. Initially, a dog may exhibit subtle changes in behavior, such as increased anxiety or irritability. This can progress to more pronounced symptoms like fever, seizures, and changes in bark tone. Dogs may also show hypersalivation or difficulty swallowing, often misinterpreted as choking. 

If you observe any unusual behavior or symptoms in your dog, especially after encountering a wild animal, contact your veterinarian immediately. Early detection and swift action are critical in managing potential rabies exposure.

Community Awareness and Responsibility

Raising awareness about rabies prevention is a community effort. Everyone plays a role in keeping pets and neighborhoods safe. Organizing or participating in community programs like free or low-cost vaccination clinics can make a significant difference. 

These events help pet owners comply with local vaccination laws and contribute to the community’s overall health and safety. Knowing about rabies prevention, symptoms, and response strategies among neighbors and local pet owners creates a more informed and proactive community.

Wildlife Precautions

Protecting pets from rabies starts with minimizing their contact with wild animals. Securing your yard with proper fencing and supervising pets outdoors are effective strategies. It’s also vital to avoid attracting wildlife by securing garbage cans and not leaving pet food outside. 

Educating family members, especially children, about the risks of interacting with wild animals is crucial. By taking these precautions, pet owners can significantly reduce the likelihood of their pets encountering potentially rabid wildlife.

Rabies Around the World

Rabies is a global concern, with some regions facing higher risks than others. In many parts of the world, stray dogs are the most common source of rabies transmission to humans. Traveling with pets to these areas requires extra vigilance and adherence to vaccination schedules. 

Researching the rabies status of your destination country and consulting with a veterinarian before travel can help you take the necessary precautions. Understanding the global perspective of rabies puts the importance of vaccination and prevention into a broader context, emphasizing the role of responsible pet ownership in global health.


Rabies is a deadly virus that affects both humans and animals alike. Still, luckily, there are steps we can take as responsible pet owners to protect our furry companions from its effects. 

By watching out for signs of exposure in our pets—especially after they come into contact with wild animals—and vaccinating our pets regularly as recommended by our veterinarians, we can ensure that our furry family members stay safe from this deadly disease!

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

Educational, First Time Pet Parents, Health, Safety, Tips, Training

The Wonderful World of Pet Companions: How Pets Make Us Happy

Welcome to the heartwarming world of pet companionship! Whether you’re a seasoned pet owner, considering adopting or fostering, or simply an animal lover, you will find joy in how pets make us happy. 

Pets not only provide us with unconditional love, but they also positively impact our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. So, let’s dive into the endless reasons and benefits of having a furry, feathery, or scaly friend by your side.

1. The Power of Unconditional Love

There’s nothing like coming home to a wagging tail or a purring ball of fluff. Regardless of what kind of day you’ve had, pets are always there to greet you with love and excitement. This unconditional love from our pets creates a special bond that taps into our innate desire to nurture and be cared for. They accept us just as we are and remind us of the simple joys in life.

2. Socializing and Making Connections

Pets can significantly enhance our social lives. They become a shared interest with fellow pet owners and often serve as natural conversation starters. For many, walking the dog or taking the cat to the park encourages interactions and budding friendships with neighbors and other pet owners. 

Furthermore, pets can help bridge the gap and connect with people of different ages, genders, and backgrounds, creating a diverse and engaging support network.

3. Mental and Emotional Support

Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated the benefits of pet ownership for our mental health. Pets can alleviate loneliness, depression, and anxiety by providing comfort and companionship. 

Pet ownership also brings a sense of responsibility, purpose, and pride. Moreover, pets often have an uncanny ability to sense when we are upset or unwell, and they instinctively offer their support when we need it most.

4. Physical Health and Active Lifestyle

Pets encourage physical exercise, leading to numerous health benefits for their owners. For example, dogs need regular walks, which can help you maintain a consistent exercise routine, improve cardiovascular health, and promote overall wellness. 

Furthermore, pets can aid in reducing stress and blood pressure levels through activities such as petting or stroking an animal.

5. Lessons in Responsibility and Empathy

Pet ownership provides a unique opportunity for individuals, especially children, to learn valuable life lessons in responsibility, empathy, and nurturing. Nurturing a pet can create a sense of accomplishment and self-esteem while teaching the importance of caring for another living being. Pets also instill empathy as we learn to be attuned to their needs, feelings, and desires.

6. Enhancing Routine and Structure

Pets bring a consistent routine to our lives. Feeding, grooming, and exercising them at regular intervals provide a structured schedule, which can be comforting and stabilizing. This regularity is especially beneficial for individuals who seek a sense of order in their daily lives. The routine care of a pet can also promote time management skills and a sense of reliability.

7. Joy in Play and Spontaneity

Pets often bring out our playful side. Engaging in play with a pet can be a joyful escape from the stress of daily life. Whether it’s playing fetch with a dog or dangling a string for a cat, these moments of spontaneous fun can uplift our spirits and bring laughter and happiness. This playfulness not only entertains but also helps to keep us mentally agile and emotionally balanced.

8. Unparalleled Companionship

Pets provide a unique form of companionship often different from human relationships. They are constant companions who are present in our everyday lives, offering a comforting presence. For those who live alone or are far from family, a pet can fill a significant emotional space, providing a sense of belonging and companionship that enriches life immeasurably. This connection can be particularly important for older adults or those who experience periods of isolation.


To sum it all up, the joys and benefits of pet companionship are abundant. From the power of unconditional love to promoting physical and mental health, it’s no wonder pets make us happy. They are our loyal friends, our confidants, and our adventure companions. 

Pets enrich our lives in countless ways, and if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to consider welcoming a pet into your life. They may just become your most excellent source of happiness and well-being.

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

Educational, Entertainment, First Time Pet Parents, Health, Tips

The Bonding Benefits of Walking Your Dog

Dogs have walked alongside humans for centuries, forging an unbreakable bond that transcends time and culture. This companionship is more than coexistence; it’s a deep, emotional connection rooted in history. The bond we share with our canine friends is complex, blending affection, loyalty, and mutual dependence. 

As we dive into the intricacies of the human-canine relationship, we uncover how walking our dogs strengthens this unique bond, enhancing the lives of both pets and owners. Let’s explore the psychological aspects that make this bond unique and enduring.

Physical Health Benefits for Both

Walking your dog is not just a routine; it’s a path to better health. Dogs require regular exercise to maintain their weight and overall physical well-being. This activity keeps them agile, strengthens their muscles, and extends their lifespan. Similarly, dog owners benefit from physical activity. 

Regular walks are great for cardiovascular health, aid in weight management, and promote a more active lifestyle. This shared experience of maintaining physical health deepens a dog’s and its owner’s bond as they enjoy the rewards of a healthier life.

Mental Health and Emotional Well-being

The mental and emotional benefits of walking a dog are profound. For many dog owners, this time is a stress reliever, offering a break from the hustle of daily life. The simple act of walking with a canine companion can lower stress levels, reduce feelings of anxiety, and boost overall mood. 

For dogs, these walks are equally beneficial. They provide mental stimulation, reduce anxiety, and can significantly decrease behavioral problems. This shared experience of emotional relief strengthens the bond, as the dog and its owner find solace and joy in their walks together.

Strengthening the Bond Through Routine Walks

Routine walks establish a unique language of trust and understanding between a dog and its owner. This regular activity creates a sense of security and familiarity for the dog, reinforcing its confidence in its owner. Owners, in turn, learn to read their dog’s behavior and body language more effectively. 

Engaging in activities like exploring new routes or playing fetch during walks adds an element of fun and adventure, enhancing the bond. These shared experiences are exercises and opportunities for deepening mutual respect and affection.

Social Interaction and Community Connection

Dog walking opens the door to new social interactions and a stronger community connection. Owners often meet fellow dog walkers, share experiences, and exchange tips, fostering a sense of community. Dogs also benefit from these interactions. They socialize with other dogs, which is crucial for their behavioral development. 

This shared social aspect of dog walking enriches the lives of both dogs and their owners, bridging connections with others who share similar interests and love for dogs.

Training and Behavioral Benefits

Dog walks serve as excellent opportunities for behavioral training. Implementing commands like ‘sit,’ ‘stay,’ and ‘heel’ during walks can reinforce obedience and good manners. Consistency in these training sessions during walks helps establish clear communication between the dog and the owner. 

As a result, dogs become better behaved, and owners gain more confidence in handling their pets. This shared learning experience fortifies the bond, showcasing the value of patience and mutual understanding.

Safety and Precautions

Safety should always be a priority during dog walks. Using the correct leash harness and ensuring the dog’s comfort is vital. Owners must be aware of their surroundings, watching for hazards like traffic or aggressive animals. Understanding and respecting a dog’s body language during walks is also crucial. This precautionary approach ensures enjoyable and safe outings for the dog and its owner.


Walking your dog goes far beyond mere physical exercise. It’s an enriching activity that strengthens the bond between you and your pet, fosters mutual understanding, and contributes to emotional well-being. Regular walks provide invaluable opportunities for training, socializing, and simply enjoying each other’s company.

For those dedicated to their pet’s overall well-being, Bare Pets offers a range of products that complement this bonding journey. Our high-quality pet food ensures your dog stays healthy, energetic, and ready for every walk you take together. Visit Bare Pets to explore our nutritious and delicious options, perfect for keeping your furry friend happy and healthy. Let’s make every walk with your dog a step towards a stronger bond and a healthier life.

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

Educational, First Time Pet Parents, Health, Tips, Training

The Ultimate Guide to Fruits: Safe and Unsafe for Your Canine Companion

As a caring and responsible pet owner, you always want to ensure the health and happiness of your fur baby. With access to so much information, it can be challenging to determine what is safe and unsafe to share with your beloved dog regarding fruits. 

In this ultimate guide, we will explore the list of fruits that are both safe and not safe for your dogs to consume. This way, you can feel confident about providing your pet with delicious, healthy snacks that will not cause harm but instead contribute to their well-being.

Safe Fruits for Dogs to Enjoy

First, let’s look at the fruits that are safe for your puppy to enjoy. These fruits serve as great treats and offer various health benefits, such as essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

  • Apples: Remove the core and seeds, and serve in small slices. They are an excellent source of vitamins A and C and dietary fiber.
  • Bananas: A great source of potassium and vitamins. However, limit the frequency of consumption as they are high in sugar.
  • Blueberries: These tiny fruits are potent antioxidants and offer a great low-calorie treat.
  • Cantaloupe: A deliciously hydrating fruit containing vitamins A, B, and C, but should be given in moderation due to its sugar content.
  • Mango: Remove the skin and pit, then serve small pieces of this vitamin-packed fruit.
  • Oranges: In small, peeled sections, oranges can be a great source of vitamin C.
  • Watermelon: Seedless watermelon is an ideal summer snack, packed with vitamins A, B6, and C and hydration.

Harmful and Unsafe Fruits for Dogs

Some fruits may seem harmless to us; however, they can be incredibly dangerous for your dog. These are the fruits to keep out of reach from your canine companion:

  • Grapes and Raisins: These small fruits can cause rapid kidney failure in dogs, even in tiny amounts.
  • Cherries: The pits, stems, and leaves contain cyanide, a toxic substance that can harm your pet if ingested.
  • Avocado: The skin and pit contain a toxin called persin, which can lead to vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Figs: This can cause an allergic reaction in some dogs, resulting in severe itchy skin.

Precautions When Giving Fruit to Dogs

Although many fruits can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet, taking certain precautions is essential to ensure their safety. These include:

  • Always start by introducing a tiny amount to ensure no allergic reactions occur.
  • Remove all seeds, pits, and cores, as they can be harmful or pose choking hazards.
  • Only give fruits in moderation, as excessive consumption can cause gastrointestinal issues.
  • Wash all fruits thoroughly to eliminate any pesticides or chemicals on the skin.

Why Dogs Require a Balanced Diet

While fruits can provide a variety of vitamins and minerals, it’s crucial to remember that dogs require a balanced diet to maintain optimal health. Ensure that their primary source of nutrition comes from quality dog food that contains all essential nutrients, and only give fruits as an occasional treat – not a meal replacement.

Consult Your Veterinarian for Guidance

Finally, if you need clarification on whether or not a specific fruit is safe for your dog, it’s always advisable to consult with your veterinarian. They can provide guidance based on your dog’s health requirements and dietary restrictions, helping you make the best choices for your pet.


As a loving pet owner, you must familiarize yourself with the list of safe and unsafe fruits for your furry friend. By giving them the proper diet and being mindful of the potential hazards, you’re actively contributing to your canine companion’s health and vitality. 

Remember to consult your veterinarian with any concerns, and enjoy sharing the delicious, safe fruits with your happy, healthy dog.

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

First Time Pet Parents, Food, Health, Safety, Tips

Where Do Dogs Get Distemper: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Canine distemper, a severe viral illness, poses a significant threat to dogs worldwide. Its impact on the health of our furry companions can’t be overstated. Distemper primarily affects puppies and younger dogs, but older dogs are not immune to its reach. The virus targets various body systems, leading to various health issues. Understanding this disease is crucial for every dog owner. It helps in early detection, effective treatment, and, most importantly, prevention. 

Let’s delve into the specifics of canine distemper to equip ourselves with the knowledge needed to protect our beloved pets.

Causes of Canine Distemper

Dogs often contract distemper through airborne exposure to the virus. It spreads when infected animals cough or sneeze, releasing viral particles into the environment. Puppies are particularly susceptible due to their immature immune systems. Unvaccinated dogs and those with weakened immunity also face a higher risk. 

The virus can also spread through shared food and water bowls or direct contact with an infected animal. Wild animals like raccoons, foxes, and skunks are potential carriers, posing a risk to domestic dogs. Understanding these transmission routes empowers dog owners to take preventive measures to protect their pets from this dangerous virus.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Canine Distemper

Identifying distemper early is critical for the well-being of your dog. Initial signs often mimic those of a cold. These include watery discharge from the eyes, fever, and nasal discharge. As the virus progresses, dogs may develop a cough, become lethargic, and lose their appetite. 

In more advanced stages, the symptoms of distemper become more severe. Dogs may exhibit neurological symptoms like twitching, seizures, and paralysis. These signs indicate a grave situation, necessitating immediate veterinary attention. Prompt recognition of these symptoms can make a significant difference in the effectiveness of the treatment and the overall prognosis for your dog.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Veterinarians play a crucial role in diagnosing canine distemper. They often begin with a thorough physical examination, considering the dog’s symptoms and medical history. Blood tests and urine analysis are standard tools for confirming the diagnosis. Sometimes, cerebrospinal fluid analysis is necessary, especially if neurological symptoms are present.

Treating distemper focuses on alleviating symptoms and supporting the dog’s immune system. There is no specific cure for the virus itself. Supportive care might include intravenous fluids to combat dehydration, antibiotics to prevent secondary infections, and medications to control seizures and neurological symptoms. The dog’s recovery depends on the severity of the disease and how quickly treatment begins.

Prevention Strategies

Preventing canine distemper is more effective than treating it. Vaccination plays a pivotal role here. Puppies should receive their first vaccine at 6-8 weeks, followed by booster shots as a veterinarian recommends. Keeping up with these vaccinations is crucial for lifelong protection.

Hygiene and cleanliness are also crucial in preventing the spread of distemper. Regularly cleaning and disinfecting dog bowls, bedding, and play areas can reduce the risk. Isolating infected dogs from healthy ones is essential, especially in multi-dog households or kennels. Finally, minimizing contact with wild animals can further protect dogs from contracting distemper.

Myths and Misconceptions

Dispelling myths about canine distemper is essential for informed pet care. A common misconception is that only outdoor dogs are at risk. In reality, distemper can affect any dog, regardless of its lifestyle. Another myth is that once a dog recovers from distemper, it’s immune for life. While recovery can lead to immunity, it’s not guaranteed, and the disease can cause long-term health issues.

Some believe that distemper is always fatal. While it’s a severe disease, early detection, and proper care can lead to recovery. Understanding these truths helps dog owners make better decisions about their pets’ health and well-being.


Canine distemper is a formidable adversary in pet health, but knowledge is our most potent weapon. Recognizing the symptoms, understanding the transmission methods, and knowing the importance of vaccination and hygiene are crucial steps in safeguarding our dogs.

For those committed to their pets’ health, Bare Pets offers premium, nutritious dog food that supports a robust immune system. Our range of products, designed with your dog’s wellbeing in mind, ensures they receive the best nutrition possible. Visit Bare Pets to explore our collection and learn more about how our food can contribute to your dog’s healthy lifestyle. Join our community of responsible pet owners and give your furry friend the care they deserve.

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

Educational, First Time Pet Parents, Health, Tips

Caring for Your Shih Tzu in the Philippines: Are They High Maintenance?

Embracing a Shih Tzu into your life brings a unique blend of joy and companionship, especially in the Philippines, where their playful nature is matched only by the warmth of the tropical sun. With their deep, affectionate eyes and luxurious coat, these dogs ask for a commitment to match their loyalty. Understanding their distinct personality is the first step. Shih Tzus typically boast a friendly demeanor, spirited in their play yet dignified in their calm. They thrive on interaction, whether it’s a cuddle session on the couch or a playful afternoon in the park. 

Climate Considerations

Caring for these canine companions requires a keen awareness of their needs, particularly in the Philippines’ hot and humid climate. Their thick fur, while beautiful, is not just for show; it demands regular grooming to prevent matting and overheating. Keeping a Shih Tzu cool goes beyond providing water and shade; it encompasses creative solutions like doggy pools and indoor playtime to beat the heat. Owners must be vigilant, ensuring their pet’s environment is always conducive to comfort and health.

Grooming Essentials

Silky coats and endearing eyes make Shih Tzus unmistakable, yet their grooming needs can be pretty demanding. Their long, flowing hair not only requires regular brushing but also a good trim now and then to prevent tangles and overheating. A professional groomer in the Philippines specializing in Shih Tzus can become one of your most trusted resources. They’ll not only maintain your dog’s luxurious mane but also spot any underlying skin issues that may need attention.

Diet and Nutrition

Nutrition plays a crucial role in the well-being of a Shih Tzu. These dogs benefit from a balanced diet rich in proteins and vitamins to keep their energy levels up and their coats glossy. In the Philippines, local pet stores offer a variety of dog food brands tailored to small breeds like Shih Tzus. You might also explore homemade meals, provided they’re vet-approved, to ensure your Shih Tzu gets all the necessary nutrients without any unhealthy additives.

Healthcare and Maintenance

Despite their small stature, Shih Tzus can encounter several health issues that owners should watch for. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for early detection and management of breed-specific problems such as respiratory difficulties or eye conditions. In the Philippines, a network of veterinary clinics provides comprehensive care tailored to the needs of small breeds.

Exercise and Training

Exercise and mental stimulation form the cornerstone of Shih Tzu’s daily routine. Short walks paired with interactive play sessions cater to their energy levels and prevent boredom. Training these intelligent dogs requires patience and positive reinforcement, as they respond well to consistent, loving guidance. Keep training sessions short and sweet to align with their attention spans, and always end on a high note with plenty of praise.

Living Accommodations

Living arrangements in the Philippines can vary widely, from spacious suburban homes to compact city apartments. Thanks to their small size, Shih Tzus adapt well to various living spaces. Ensure your living space, regardless of size, is safe and comfortable for your pet. Remove hazards, provide a dedicated sleeping area, and consider the air quality, especially in urban areas where pollution can be a concern.

Community and Support

Community engagement offers numerous benefits for both Shih Tzu owners and their pets. Local dog clubs and online groups can be valuable resources for advice and support. They organize meetups and events, providing an excellent opportunity for socialization, which is vital for the well-rounded development of a Shih Tzu. Engaging with fellow Shih Tzu enthusiasts can enrich your pet parenting experience, offering shared wisdom and insights specific to the breed and local environment.

Cost of Ownership

The financial commitment of owning a Shih Tzu extends beyond the initial cost. Anticipate regular expenses for premium dog food, grooming, and veterinary care. These costs can add up in the Philippines, so it’s wise to budget accordingly. Factor in occasional treats and toys, which are not just indulgences but essential for your pet’s well-being.

Adoption and Buying Guide

Finding a Shih Tzu to bring into your home entails a responsible approach. Whether you want to adopt or purchase from a breeder, prioritize the dog’s health and temperament. Ensure breeders are reputable, and if adopting, prepare to give a second chance to a dog that may need extra love and care. Always consider the long-term responsibility of caring for a pet to ensure a harmonious match between your new Shih Tzu and your family.


In the quest for a Shih Tzu companion, the avenues are twofold: you can adopt or shop. The decision carries significant weight, with adoption offering a noble chance to provide a forever home to a needy pet. On the other hand, purchasing from a breeder requires diligent research to ensure ethical practices. In the Philippines, the legality of pet ownership and adherence to registration laws must be noticed, as they safeguard the well-being of the pet population.

Wrapping up, the essence of this guide is to cherish the bond between you and your Shih Tzu. These dogs aren’t just pets; they’re family members who deserve our utmost care and love. Embrace every moment, from the quiet nuzzles to the joyful romps, and remember that the journey is as rewarding as it is responsible.

Join the Bare Pets family today! Explore our range of nutritious, honest, and simple pet food, revolutionizing pet care. Visit Bare Pets to discover how we’re making a difference in pets’ lives, one bowl at a time. Share your pet’s Bare Pets journey with us using #BarePetsFamily. Together, let’s commit to healthier, happier pets!

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

Educational, First Time Pet Parents, Health, Safety, Tips, Training

Choosing the Best Pet Dog for Your Home: Factors to Consider

Welcoming a dog into your home is an adventure filled with warmth and companionship. It begins a bond that will enrich your life in countless ways. But before you embark on this journey, consider the best pet dog for your home. The decision should reflect a harmonious match between your lifestyle and the needs of your new furry friend.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Pet Dog

Understanding Your Lifestyle

Selecting the best dog for you involves understanding your daily life. Evaluate the rhythms of your routine—are you an early riser who enjoys brisk morning walks, or does a leisurely evening stroll suit you better? The space where you live is also crucial. A spacious backyard might be perfect for breeds that relish outdoor play, while a cozy apartment could be better suited to a smaller, less active pooch. 

Remember, the best dog for your home is one whose activity level mirrors your own. Couch potatoes might find a serene companion in a laid-back bulldog, whereas energetic individuals could discover a perfect partner in a sprightly border collie. Consider your free time and how much you can devote to your pet. Dogs crave interaction and exercise; ensuring you can meet these needs is essential.

Making the correct choice starts with a thoughtful look at your world through the lens of dog ownership. The best pet for you will seamlessly integrate into your life and become a cherished family member.

Family Considerations

Bringing a dog into your life is a family affair, and each member’s needs should influence your choice. Toddlers and dogs can be best friends, but certain breeds have the patience and gentleness to match a young child’s unpredictable behavior. Others mesh better with older children who can participate in training and play more robustly. 

The best dog for your home is the one that complements your family dynamics. A sociable breed like a Labrador retriever might be ideal if you have a bustling household with many visitors. On the other hand, a quieter, more reserved dog may suit a calm home. Reflect on the time your family can dedicate to a pet. Dogs like the intelligent poodle or the adaptable golden retriever thrive on interaction and flourish in a setting where they’re engaged and included as part of the unit.

Dog Breed Characteristics

The characteristics of different dog breeds are as varied as the breeds themselves. Large or small, energetic or mellow, every breed has traits that make them unique. The best dog for you is one whose characteristics align with your expectations and experience.

Consider size and space. A Great Dane may not be best for a small apartment, while a Chihuahua might not fare well in a home with rambunctious kids. Energy levels are another significant factor. Breeds like the Australian Shepherd demand lots of exercise and mental stimulation, making them suitable for active owners who can keep up.

Maintenance is also crucial. Some breeds, like the majestic Samoyed, require regular grooming, while others, such as the sleek Dalmatian, need minimal coat care. Each breed has health considerations, so potential vet visits and special care should factor into your decision. 

When you contemplate the best pet dog for your home, researching breed characteristics is a step that pays dividends. It ensures the dog you welcome into your heart and home is well-suited to be there for life.

Time and Commitment

Choosing the best pet dog for your home isn’t just about the present moment. It’s a commitment spanning the years ahead. Dogs thrive on consistent care, and your schedule must align with the time required for proper care and attention. With their boundless energy and innate curiosity, puppies often need more time for training and companionship. Older dogs may require less exercise but can demand more frequent veterinary care.

Reflect on the coming years and envision where a dog fits into your life. Long work hours or frequent travel might call for a more independent breed, or you might need to consider doggy daycare services. The best dog for you fits not only into your heart but also your timetable.

Training and Socialization

Training is the foundation of a harmonious relationship with your pet. It sets the stage for a fulfilling coexistence, teaching your dog the rules of the home and ensuring their safety. Early and consistent training is crucial, whether you’re teaching basic commands or house manners. Some breeds, like the eager-to-please Border Collie, may learn quickly, while others require more patience.

Socialization goes hand-in-hand with training. Exposing your dog to various people, pets, and environments is vital. It helps them become well-adjusted and confident. Consider the time you can dedicate to this critical aspect of dog ownership. The best pet for you will adapt to your socialization efforts and become a well-behaved member of society.

In your search for the best dog for your home, weigh the time and effort you’re ready to invest. This dedication ensures your chosen companion will grow into the loving pet you’re hoping for.

Allergies and Health Considerations

Before bringing a new dog into your life, consider allergies that affect your household. Dogs like Poodles or Bichon Frises, known for their hypoallergenic qualities, might be the best pets for you if someone has sensitivities. Research breeds and consult with allergists to ensure your new companion promotes a healthy home environment.

Health considerations extend beyond allergies. Some breeds are predisposed to certain medical conditions which can affect your life together. Proactive planning for potential health issues ensures that the best dog for your home is one whose care you can confidently manage.

Rescue Dogs vs. Breeders

Deciding between adopting a rescue dog or buying from a breeder is a significant step in finding the best pet dog for your home. Rescue dogs offer the chance to give a second home to a needy pet, often already house-trained and beyond the demanding puppy stage. On the other hand, breeders can provide specific breed choices, allowing for selection based on predictable traits and health histories.

The best dog for you could be waiting in a shelter, or perhaps a breeder with a litter of puppies has your future companion. Each option has its merits, and your choice will reflect your values and the type of commitment you’re ready to make.

Where to Find Your Perfect Match

The search begins once you have a clear idea of the best dog for your home. Start with local shelters and rescue organizations; their adoption counselors can help match you with a dog that suits your lifestyle. If a particular breed interests you, seek specialized rescue groups or connect with reputable breeders who perform health screenings on their puppies.

Exploring dog adoption events and online pet adoption platforms can also introduce you to potential matches. When buying from a breeder, ensure they adhere to ethical breeding practices. Remember, the best pet for you comes from a source that values their animals’ well-being as much as you do.

Making the Decision

Securing the best pet dog for your home is filled with anticipation and consideration. When you’ve gathered all the information, take a moment to reflect. Imagine your life with the dog and listen to your instincts. Involve your household in every step to ensure unanimous agreement. Interactions with potential dogs, whether through visits to shelters or meetings with breeders, will often tell you all you need to know. The dog that fits comfortably into your life matching the energy and love you’re ready to offer, will stand out.

It’s crucial to be patient. The best dog for you may not be the first one you meet, but when the match is correct, you’ll feel it. Ensure you’re ready for the responsibility of a new pet. With the proper preparation, the dog you bring home will be more than a pet; they’ll be a cherished family member.


Embarking on the journey with a new pet dog promises to enrich your life with joy and companionship. Remember, the best pet dog for your home is one that complements your lifestyle, resonates with your family, and feels like a natural addition to your house.
Ready to find the perfect companion? Visit Bare Pets to explore a world where every pet is provided with the love, care, and nutrition they deserve. Make the #SwitchToBare today and join the family of satisfied Bare parents who’ve found their best pet for life. Your journey to a happier home is just a click away.

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