
Acana vs Bare Pets: Comparing Ingredient Transparency in Dry Dog Food

In the quest for the perfect dog food, ingredient transparency has become a top priority for pet owners. This blog compares the labels of Acana and Bare Pets dry dog food to spotlight how each brand measures up in terms of honest and transparent ingredient listing.

Acana: The Transparency of Wholesome Ingredients

Acana’s Classics Poultry Formula boasts a comprehensive ingredient list that reflects its ‘Biologically Appropriate’ philosophy. With a high crude protein content of 29% and a significant fat content of 17%, this formula ensures that dogs get a diet rich in animal protein and essential fats. 

The brand specifies the type of meat used and the quantity, providing 25% chicken meal and notable inclusions of fresh chicken meat and giblets, turkey, and whole eggs. Their commitment to quality is further reinforced by diverse fruits, vegetables, and botanicals, ensuring that dogs receive various nutrients in their most natural form.

Acana’s ingredient transparency extends to the source of their fats, such as chicken fat and herring oil, and highlights the absence of artificial flavorings. Their inclusion of steel-cut oats as a carbohydrate source provides slow-release energy throughout the day, while the lack of synthetic preservatives appeals to health-conscious pet owners. 

Priced at ₱680.00 per kilogram, Acana is positioned as a premium food choice for those who prioritize ingredient quality and nutritional density.

Bare Pets: Simplified Nutrition, Maximum Transparency

Bare Pets has established itself as synonymous with ingredient simplicity and clarity. The focus is on providing a diet that mimics what dogs would naturally consume, featuring fresh chicken and dried pork protein to ensure a high-quality protein supply. The brand’s commitment to transparency is not just in the listing of ingredients but also in the sourcing and preparation processes, aiming to provide pet owners with peace of mind about the food they feed their dogs.

Bare Pets’ subscription model is designed to offer convenience and value, with the pricing set at ₱320.00, based on the subscription rate. This approach simplifies the purchasing process and ensures that pets are consistently fed with high-quality nutrition. The brand’s avoidance of complex ingredients or artificial additives resonates with pet owners who seek a straightforward, nutritious diet for their pets.

Nutritional Comparison Table

NutrientAcanaBare Pets
Main IngredientsChicken meal, fresh meats, oats, legumes, vegetables, fruitsFresh chicken, dried pork protein, grains, peas
Protein Content29% crude protein (min.)Min 19% crude protein
Fat Content17% (min.)Min 8% crude fat
Carbohydrate SourcesOats, legumesGrains, peas
Fiber Content5% (max.)Not specified
Cost per Kg₱680.00₱320.00 (subscription price)

Which to Choose for Your Dog

In the comparison between Acana and Bare Pets, we see two brands with a shared commitment to transparency but distinct approaches to dog nutrition. Acana offers a complex, rich diet with many proteins, carbohydrates, and botanicals, ensuring a nutrient-dense meal. 

Bare Pets, with its pared-down ingredient list, focuses on the essentials, providing a straightforward diet with no hidden surprises. As pet owners, the power lies in choosing a diet that aligns with our dogs’ health needs and our values on nutrition and transparency. Whether you prefer Acana’s variety or Bare Pets’s simplicity, the end goal is a well-nourished, happy dog — the heart of every home.

Choose clarity. Choose health. Choose Bare Pets.

Align your dog’s diet with the art of simple nutrition. Subscribe today and bring the power of pure ingredients to your dog’s bowl. Say no to hidden additives and yes to transparent feeding with Bare Pets — where every ingredient has a purpose. Make the wise choice for your dog now!

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

First Time Pet Parents, Food, Health, Tips

How Our Furry Companions Help Us Cope with Mental Health Challenges

Mental health is an essential topic for pet owners. Owning a pet can bring about numerous psychological and physical health benefits. Dogs, in particular, have been shown to help us cope with our mental health challenges. 

Let’s look at the science behind how our furry companions can help us maintain a healthy mental state. 

The Power of Human-Animal Interaction 

Research has demonstrated the therapeutic power of human-animal interaction on people’s mental health. Studies have found that interacting with animals can reduce anxiety and stress levels and improve overall mood and self-esteem. 

This is due to animals’ effects on our hormones and neurotransmitters, such as cortisol and serotonin. It’s been suggested that pet ownership can even lead to increased life expectancy! 

While dogs are often the focus of pet-related mental health benefits, other pets like cats, birds, and even fish can also play a significant role. For instance, watching fish swim can induce a feeling of calmness and help reduce stress, making them ideal for individuals who might benefit from a more serene type of companionship. 

Cats, known for their independent nature, can provide comfort and companionship without needing extensive interaction, which might be preferable for some individuals. Even smaller pets like guinea pigs have been found to reduce anxiety levels in children with autism spectrum disorder during supervised playtime, showing the wide range of mental health benefits that different animals can offer.

Recent studies have provided compelling evidence about the mental health benefits of pets. Service dogs, for instance, have been shown to alleviate symptoms in veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These dogs have been found to help their owners achieve lower overall symptoms of PTSD, reduced levels of depression, increased life satisfaction, and higher overall psychological well-being. 

Additionally, therapy dogs have been used effectively to reduce stress in college students and provide comfort in hospitals and nursing homes. Such interactions with animals have decreased cortisol levels, a stress-related hormone, and lower blood pressure​​​​.

The Benefits of Dog Ownership 

Of all pets, dog ownership has been studied the most in relation to its effects on mental health. Dogs are particularly beneficial for their owners because they provide love and companionship and require daily physical exercise and training (which helps keep owners active). 

Additionally, dogs help with socialization by allowing their owners to interact with other dog owners in parks or at doggy daycares. Walking your dog around your neighborhood can be a great way to meet new people while caring for your pup! 

The Bond Between Pets & Their Owners 

Not only do pets benefit us mentally, but studies have also shown that we benefit them! People tend to form strong emotional bonds with their pets over time — known as “pet bonding” — which can further reduce stress levels when humans feel overwhelmed or anxious. 

This bond works both ways; research suggests that pet owners may live longer and experience less loneliness than those who don’t own pets.  

Tips for Non-Pet Owners

For those who love animals but can’t own a pet due to various constraints like allergies, living situations, or financial limitations, there are still numerous ways to enjoy the benefits of animal companionship:

  • Volunteering at Animal Shelters: This is a great way to interact with animals. Many shelters need help with feeding, cleaning, and socializing animals. It’s a rewarding experience that allows you to contribute to the welfare of animals while enjoying their company.
  • Pet Sitting or Dog Walking: Offering to look after a friend’s or neighbor’s pet can provide some of the same benefits as having your pet. Dog walking, in particular, also encourages physical activity.
  • Visiting Pet Cafés: In many cities, pet cafés offer a space to enjoy a coffee while spending time with cats, dogs, or rabbits.
  • Animal-Assisted Therapy: Participating in programs where you can interact with therapy animals can be beneficial, especially if you’re dealing with mental health issues but can’t commit to owning a pet.
  • Virtual Pet Companionship: In the digital age, virtual pet apps or online animal live streams can offer a sense of companionship, albeit in a more limited form.

Emotional Support Animals (ESAs)

Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) are different from regular pets in several key ways, particularly in terms of mental health support:

  • Specific Role for Mental Health: ESAs provide comfort and support in ways that alleviate one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability. Unlike regular pets, they are often prescribed by a licensed mental health professional for individuals with mental illnesses.
  • Legal Recognition: ESAs are recognized under some housing and air travel laws, allowing them to accompany their owners where pets are not typically allowed.
  • No Special Training Required: ESAs do not require specialized training, unlike service animals. Their primary role is to offer emotional support through their presence.
  • Wide Range of Animals: While dogs and cats are the most common ESAs, any animal that provides comfort, companionship, and emotional support can be considered an ESA.
  • Impact on Mental Health: The presence of an ESA can significantly reduce symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness. They provide their owners with a sense of security and routine, benefiting those with mental health challenges.

Embracing the Healing Power of Pets

As we’ve explored the myriad ways pets can positively impact our mental health, it’s clear that the bond between humans and animals is more than just companionship—it’s a powerful source of comfort, joy, and emotional healing. Whether it’s the loyal presence of a dog, the soothing purr of a cat, or the tranquil sight of fish swimming, pets can improve our lives in countless ways.

We invite you to share your own experiences. How has a pet touched your life or helped you through tricky times? Your stories can inspire others and spread awareness about pets’ profound impact on our mental health.

If you’re considering welcoming a pet, remember that adoption is a beautiful way to find your new best friend. By adopting, you’re giving a pet a loving home and making room for another animal in need at the shelter. Check out organizations like Bare Pets for resources and guidance on pet adoption.

Your journey with a pet, whether just beginning or years in the making, is a testament to the healing power of these remarkable animals. Let’s celebrate and share the joy and love they bring to our lives.

By embracing the companionship of pets and recognizing their role in enhancing our mental wellness, we continue to strengthen the special bond between humans and animals.

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

Educational, First Time Pet Parents, Health, Tips

10 Ways Pets Can Improve Our Lives

From the unconditional love they provide us with to the excellent health benefits they offer, there are countless reasons why having a pet is an incredible addition to any household. Studies have shown that pet owners can reduce stress, improve mental health, and even increase our overall life expectancy. 

Here are ten ways that pets can improve our lives. 

1. Increased Physical Activity

Having a dog encourages you to get outside more often and be more active than you would otherwise be. Going on walks to the park or playing fetch in the backyard are excellent forms of exercise that benefit your pet and help you stay fit and healthy. 

2. Improved Mental Health

Studies have shown that having a pet can reduce stress levels and even help people suffering from depression or anxiety cope better with their condition. Pets provide companionship, comfort, and security, which can be incredibly helpful when dealing with mental illnesses. 

3. Strengthened Social Connections

Owning a pet can make meeting new people and making friends easier since many people love interacting with animals. Taking your pup for walks or playing at the local dog park are great opportunities to meet other dog owners and form meaningful connections with them.       

4. Unconditional Love & Support

Pets provide unconditional love and support for their owners no matter what happens, making them some of the most loyal companions! They always offer comfort when we need it most, never judge us for our mistakes, and never give up on us no matter how difficult things become—which is something we should all strive to do for one another! 

5. Improved Mood & Self-Esteem

Taking care of a pet can boost your self-esteem and mood because of the strong bond between the two of you; this bond will remind you of your importance in their life, giving you an immense sense of self-worth and happiness knowing that someone loves you so deeply!   

6. Reduced Risk Of Allergies & Asthma In Children

Studies have shown that children who grow up around animals (especially cats) tend to develop fewer allergies than those who don’t—this is due to early exposure, which helps their immune systems become stronger! 

Plus, having pets at home helps reduce asthma symptoms in children since they get used to being around furry friends early on in life (which makes it much easier for them later on!). 

7. Lower Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Levels

Regular contact with animals has been linked to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels due to increased physical activity associated with taking care of them (walking, running, etc.), plus stress relief from cuddles & playtime—all this helps keep your heart healthy! 

8. Better Sleep Quality

Having a furry friend by your side while sleeping has been known to improve sleep quality due to feeling safer & less lonely; plus, pets tend to snuggle up close, which offers warmth & comfort, making it easier for humans to drift off into dreamland peacefully!  

9. Increased Sense Of Responsibility

When kids take part in taking care of a pet (feeding them, grooming them regularly, etc.), they learn how important it is to be responsible when it comes to taking care of another living creature; this teaches them empathy & respect towards others—something that will serve them well throughout their lives!  

10. Companionship For Loneliness

Owning a pet provides companionship when we feel lonely; dogs especially are incredibly social creatures who love being around people; if we ever need someone, just listen without judgment or offer advice – our furry friends are perfect candidates for those moments.

Bonus: Lesser-Known Benefits

Pets can be catalysts for creativity and inspiration. Animals’ playful and curious nature can inspire artistic endeavors and encourage owners to explore new hobbies. Additionally, pets bring a unique rhythm to our daily lives, creating a structured routine around their care. This routine can help regulate our schedules, enhancing time management and daily productivity.

Pet Ownership Challenges

Caring for pets requires a deep commitment. They depend on us for their health and happiness, which includes more than just feeding and play. Regular vet visits are crucial for early detection and treatment of health issues. Behavioral training, often overlooked, is essential for a harmonious relationship. 

These responsibilities demand not just financial investment but also time and emotional energy. Acknowledging and preparing for these aspects of pet ownership is vital for a rewarding experience and the well-being of both pets and their owners.

Pet Ownership Across Different Cultures

The role of pets varies widely across cultures. 

In some communities, they are more than companions; they are integral to lifestyle and tradition. For instance, in certain rural cultures, dogs play vital roles in herding and protecting livestock, essential for the community’s survival. In urban settings, pets often become critical in therapeutic environments, aiding mental health treatment and providing comfort in care homes. 

These international perspectives highlight the multifaceted roles pets play, reflecting the deep and diverse connections between humans and animals across the globe.


We could forever list all the beautiful ways pets can improve our lives. Still, ultimately, it comes down to this – loving an animal provides unconditional love, support, companionship, enhanced physical and mental health, responsibility, lowered risk factors…the list goes on! 

Whether you own a dog, cat, rabbit, fish, or any other type of animal – know that they will bring joy into your life if given proper care – so don’t forget to show appreciation every chance you get.

As we reflect on how pets enrich our lives, we invite you to share your unique pet stories. Have they sparked a new hobby, brought unexpected joy, or taught you valuable life lessons? Or, if you’re considering getting a pet into your life, consider rescuing or adopting from a local shelter! 

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

Educational, First Time Pet Parents, Health, Tips

What Makes the Best Natural Dog Food in the Philippines?

In the heart of the Philippines, where the vibrant culture meets diverse wildlife, dogs are not just pets but family. From the playful Aspin, a native breed known for its resilience and loyalty, to the cuddly Shih Tzu favored in urban homes, each dog in the Philippines has its unique story. 

The Philippines’ tropical climate and diverse landscapes, from bustling cities to serene countryside, influence the dietary needs of our dogs. Filipino breeds like the Aspin or imported breeds thrive when their diet is tailored to their environment. For instance, dogs in warmer areas may need more hydration and lighter meals, while those in cooler regions might require more energy-dense foods.

Choosing the proper nutrition for these beloved companions is more than a duty; it expresses our love and care for them.

But what makes the best natural dog food in the Philippines? In this article, we’ll explore the key factors that make natural dog food the best choice for your pet.

High-Quality Ingredients

Every dog has unique dietary needs that vary based on age, breed, and lifestyle. Active dogs may need more protein and calories, while older pets might benefit from diets rich in joint-supporting nutrients. Recognizing these differences is crucial in choosing the best natural dog food. For the most tailored advice, a consultation with a veterinarian can help you understand the specific nutritional requirements of your beloved canine companion.

The best natural dog food in the Philippines should be made from high-quality, natural ingredients. Look for dog food that contains real meat, such as chicken or beef, as the primary ingredient. Avoid dog food containing by-products, fillers, or artificial ingredients, as these can harm your pet’s health.

In the Philippines, sourcing ingredients locally for dog food is not just about freshness; it’s about supporting the community and reducing our carbon pawprint. Locally sourced ingredients mean less transportation, ensuring your dog’s food is as fresh as possible. This practice also boosts local agriculture and businesses, improving the country’s economic health. By choosing dog food with locally sourced ingredients, you’re nourishing your pet and nurturing the local ecosystem.

Balanced Nutrition

The best natural dog food should provide your pet with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs. Look for dog food with a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. It should also contain essential vitamins and minerals that support your pet’s overall health and well-being.

Grain-Free Options

Many dogs in the Philippines have food sensitivities or allergies to grains. The best natural dog food should be grain-free or contain limited amounts of grains, such as brown rice or quinoa. Grain-free dog food is also easier for your pet to digest, which can lead to better overall health.

No Artificial Preservatives

The best natural dog food in the Philippines should be free from artificial preservatives, such as BHA, BHT, and ethoxyquin. These preservatives can harm your pet’s health and cause health problems over time.

No Fillers

Many dog foods in the Philippines contain fillers, such as corn, wheat, and soy. These ingredients have no nutritional value and can cause digestive issues in some dogs. The best natural dog food should not contain any fillers so your pet can get the most out of their food.

Made by a Reputable Brand

When choosing the best natural dog food in the Philippines, choosing a reputable brand with a good track record is crucial. Look for a brand that has been in business for a while and has positive reviews from other pet owners.

A reputable dog food brand is characterized by its commitment to quality and safety. Look for brands that undergo rigorous quality assurance processes and have a transparent ingredient list. Positive customer reviews and veterinarian recommendations can also be reliable indicators of a brand’s reputation. Awards and certifications for quality and safety further solidify a brand’s standing in the market.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find natural dog food in the Philippines?

Natural dog food is available at pet stores across the Philippines, including specialty pet food stores. Online platforms like Bare Pets also offer a range of natural dog food options, providing convenience and a wide selection.

What is the price range for high-quality natural dog food?

The price of high-quality natural dog food in the Philippines varies, typically from moderately priced to premium. Factors influencing price include the quality of ingredients and the brand’s reputation.  

How do I transition my dog to a natural diet without causing digestive issues?

Transitioning to a natural diet should be gradual. Start by mixing a small amount of natural food with your dog’s current food, gradually increasing the proportion over a week or two. This slow transition helps avoid digestive upset.  


Have you ever wondered what your furry friend would choose if they walked the aisles of a pet food store? As we make choices for them, it’s essential to consider what feeds and nourishes them. Reflect on how your dog’s food aligns with their natural needs and your values as a pet owner. After all, the food we give them is more than sustenance; it’s a token of our love and care.

As you embark on this journey to provide the best natural diet for your furry friend, remember that choosing the right food is a step towards ensuring their long-term health and happiness. 

For a wide selection of high-quality natural dog food that meets these stringent criteria, consider exploring Bare Pets. Their commitment to honest, wholesome ingredients and dedication to pet health make them a trusted choice for pet owners across the Philippines. Discover the perfect blend of nutrition and taste for your beloved pet at Bare Pets.

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

First Time Pet Parents, Food, Health, Tips

Choosing the Best Dog Food for Pitbulls

Did you know that Pitbulls were once known as ‘Nanny Dogs’ due to their gentle nature and loyalty towards children? This breed, often misunderstood, possesses a unique combination of strength, intelligence, and affection. Feeding them the proper diet is vital to maintaining their health and happiness. 

This guide delves into the best dog food options for your loyal Pitbull, ensuring they get the perfect balance of nutrients to thrive. 

Nutritional Requirements for Pitbulls:

Pitbulls, known for their muscular build and high energy levels, require a protein-rich diet to support muscle health and energy. They also benefit from a balance of fats for energy and carbohydrates for sustained release of energy throughout the day. Essential fatty acids are necessary for skin and coat health, while the right mix of vitamins and minerals supports overall well-being. 

When selecting dog food, consider the following:

  • High-Quality Protein: Look for foods where the primary ingredient is a high-quality protein, like chicken, beef, or fish.
  • Balanced Fats: Fats are crucial for energy and should come from quality sources like fish oil.
  • Complex Carbohydrates: Sources like sweet potatoes or brown rice provide energy without spiking blood sugar levels.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Ensure the food includes a range of vitamins and minerals for holistic health benefits.

Now, let’s look at some of the most suitable types of dog food for pitbulls and why they are great choices.

Dry Dog Food

The most common type of dog food is dry kibble. Dry kibble is ideal for pitbulls because it contains all the nutrients they need in one convenient package. Kibble also offers more crunch than canned food and can help keep your pup’s teeth clean and healthy. 

Look for a kibble that contains real meat, grains, vegetables, and other whole-food ingredients, as these will provide your pup with all the vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy.


  • Convenient and easy to store.
  • It helps maintain dental health due to its crunchy texture.
  • Offers balanced nutrition in each bite.


  • Less palatable for some dogs.
  • It can be low in moisture, which is not ideal for hydration.

Raw Dog Food

Another option for pitbull owners is raw dog food. Raw dog food includes fresh meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, and other foods processed at low temperatures to maintain their nutritional content. This diet mimics what wild dogs eat in nature and has been proven to be healthier than traditional dry kibble diets in many cases. However, raw diets require more preparation than conventional dry kibble diets, so they may only be suitable for some.


  • Mimics a natural diet, potentially improving coat health and digestion.
  • Often accessible from preservatives and artificial ingredients.


  • Requires careful handling to avoid bacterial contamination.
  • It can be time-consuming and expensive to prepare.

Canned Dog Food

Canned dog foods offer a different texture than dry kibble and can be a great way to add variety to your pup’s diet. Canned foods tend to have higher moisture content. Hence, they are easier to digest than dry kibble, which makes them especially beneficial if your pup has any digestive issues or allergies that limit their dietary options. 

When choosing canned foods, look for brands with high-quality proteins like beef or chicken and wholesome grains like rice or oatmeal to give your pup plenty of energy throughout the day.


  • High moisture content benefits hydration.
  • Generally, it is more palatable and more accessible to chew.


  • It can be more expensive per meal.
  • Some brands may contain artificial additives.

Cost Comparison

When considering the best food for your Pitbull, budget is a crucial factor. 

  • Dry kibble, offered by brands like Bare Pets, is generally the most cost-effective option, providing a balance of quality and affordability. 
  • Raw dog food, while offering high nutritional value, tends to be more expensive due to the quality of ingredients and preparation required. 
  • Canned dog food falls in between, offering a middle-ground in terms of cost. 

Investing in quality food can lead to better health and lower veterinary bills in the long run.


As you can see, several dog foods are suitable for pitbulls depending on their individual needs and preferences. Dry kibble is easy, but if you want something more natural, you can opt for raw or canned food instead. 

Regardless of which type you choose, ensure it contains only high-quality ingredients, so your pup gets all the nutrition they need while enjoying every bite! No matter which kind of dog food you choose, making sure it meets all your pitties’ nutritional needs should always be a top priority! Doing this will lead to healthier pups who live longer lives with their loving owners!
We recommend consulting with a vet if you’re unsure about the best choice for your furry friend. For more insights and high-quality pet food options, visit Bare Pets.

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

First Time Pet Parents, Food, Health, Tips

Mixing Dry Kibbles and Raw Food: Is It a Good Idea for Your Dog?

As a dog owner, you want to give your furry friends the best nutrition to keep them healthy and happy. While dry kibble is famous for many dog owners, some mix raw food to give their dogs a more balanced diet. But is this a good idea? In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of mixing dry kibble and raw food for your dog.

The Pros of Mixing Dry Kibbles and Raw Food

  1. Improved Nutrition: Raw food is an excellent source of nutrition for dogs, as it contains enzymes and nutrients that may be destroyed during cooking. Mixing raw food with dry kibble can help ensure your dog gets a more balanced diet.
  1. Better Digestion: Raw food is also more accessible for dogs to digest than cooked food, as it contains natural enzymes that aid in digestion. Adding raw food to your dog’s diet can help improve their digestive health and reduce issues like bloating and constipation.
  1. More Variety: Mixing dry kibble and raw food can provide your dog with a wider variety of tastes and textures, which can help prevent them from becoming bored with their food.

The Cons of Mixing Dry Kibbles and Raw Food

  1. Risk of Bacterial Contamination: Raw food can carry harmful bacteria like salmonella and E. coli, which can be dangerous to dogs and humans. Proper handling and preparation of raw food is crucial to reduce the risk of contamination.
  1. Difficulty in Measuring Nutrient Intake: Mixing dry kibble and raw food can make it challenging to ensure your dog gets the right balance of nutrients in their diet. Working with a veterinarian or canine nutritionist is essential to ensure your dog gets the right amount of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.
  1. Increased Cost: Raw food can be more expensive than dry kibble, which can be a consideration for some dog owners.

How to Safely Mix Dry Kibble and Raw Food

If you mix dry kibble and raw food in your dog’s diet, taking the necessary precautions to ensure it’s done safely is essential. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Work with a Veterinarian or Canine Nutritionist

A veterinarian or canine nutritionist can help you create a balanced diet that meets your dog’s nutritional needs.

Practice Proper Handling

Proper handling of raw food is crucial to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination. Follow safe handling practices and thoroughly wash your hands and surfaces after handling raw food.

Choose High-Quality Raw Food

Look for high-quality raw food prepared in a sanitary environment to reduce the risk of contamination.

Introduce Raw Food Gradually

Introduce raw food gradually into your dog’s diet to give their digestive system time to adjust.


Mixing dry kibble and raw food can be a good idea for some dogs, as it can improve their nutrition, digestion, and overall health. However, it is essential to take the necessary precautions to ensure that the raw food is prepared and handled safely and that your dog gets the right balance of nutrients in their diet. 

Working with a veterinarian or canine nutritionist can help ensure that your dog gets the best possible nutrition and can lead to a happy, healthy, and long life for your furry friend.

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

First Time Pet Parents, Food, Health, Tips

Best Pet-Friendly Hotels in Metro Manila: A Guide for Pet Owners

Are you planning to travel to Metro Manila with your furry friend? Finding a place to stay that accommodates pets can be challenging, but several pet-friendly hotels in the city will welcome you and your four-legged companion with open arms. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through some of the best pet-friendly hotels in Metro Manila that offer comfortable accommodations for you and your pet.

Ascott Bonifacio Global City 

Ascott Bonifacio Global City Manila, situated in one of Manila’s premier business and lifestyle districts, opens its doors to pets. While they don’t specify weight limits, they welcome pets, offering luxurious living spaces ranging from studio to three-bedroom penthouse units, perfect for a relaxing stay with your furry companion​​​​.


  • Pets are welcome with no specified weight limits.
  • Offers a variety of luxurious living spaces.
  • Centrally located in a premier district.


  • Specific pet policies are not detailed.
  • Potential additional fees not disclosed.


  • Inquire directly about any additional fees for pets before booking.
  • Confirm the pet amenities and services available during your stay.

Great experience at Ascott BGC ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I had a 5.5-month stay in Ascott BGC and was blown away by the warmth and efficiency of the service. The buffet breakfast had a variety, including healthy options. But more than the food was the wonderful attention I got from the servers and kitchen staff, who happily catered to my special requests. The housekeeping, concierge, front desk staff, and even security and parking attendants worked together to make me and my family–including our dog Luigi–happy and feel truly at home away from home. I actually miss those guys already!”

Alejandro C  

The Residences at BCCT

The Residences at BCCT offers a unique long-term stay option with no extra pet charges. This residence provides various room types and amenities that cater to human and pet comfort, making it a destination for responsible pet owners​.


  • No extra charge for pets.
  • Variety of room types with full amenities.
  • Proximity to shopping malls and dog parks.


  • Only one small pet is allowed per room.
  • Policies and requirements need to be checked with management.


  • Review the full pet policy with management to avoid surprises.
  • Take advantage of the nearby off-leash dog parks for pet exercise.

Hilton Manila

Hilton Manila offers a luxurious and convenient stay for you and your pet, with a pet fee policy in place. Its strategic location and comprehensive amenities ensure a comfortable stay for all family members, including those with paws.


  • Pet-friendly rooms are available.
  • On-site restaurants and pools enhance the stay.


  • Pet fees are relatively high.
  • Restrictions on unattended pets.


  • Be prepared to pay the pet fee upfront.
  • Always supervise your pets, as unattended pets are not allowed.

Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila

Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila welcomes pets with a service fee. This hotel provides a plush stay with various room options and an all-day buffet restaurant, among other amenities, ensuring a luxurious experience for you and your pet.


  • Offers luxurious accommodations with pet service.
  • Variety of dining options and recreational facilities.


  • Service fee for pets on top of room charges.
  • Only one pet is allowed per room.


  • Budget for the additional pet service fee.
  • Enjoy walks with your pet around the scenic bay area.

Admiral Hotel Manila

With its blend of Filipino-Spanish and Art Deco styles, Admiral Hotel Manila allows pets in its chic accommodations. The hotel offers a pet service fee and has a range of amenities designed to provide a comfortable and enjoyable stay​​.


  • Allows pets in all room types, with more allowed in suites.
  • Situated in a location with beautiful sunset views.


  • Additional service fee per pet.
  • There may be limitations on the number of pets based on room type.


  • Choose a suite for more pet accommodation space.
  • Enjoy the VIP (Very Important Pets) service for a special treat for your pet.

Joy Nostalg Hotel & Suites

Lastly, Joy Nostalg Hotel & Suites, a five-star serviced residence, invites guests to bring their pets along. The hotel provides elegant rooms and suites with varying pet policies depending on the room type booked, ensuring a cozy stay for you and your furry friends.


  • Welcomes pets in their elegant rooms and suites.
  • Various room sizes to accommodate different family needs.


  • The number of pets allowed varies with room type.
  • Specific pet policy details are not disclosed.


  • Clarify the maximum number of pets allowed for your room type.
  • Utilize the hotel’s cozy amenities to make your pet feel at home.


Metro Manila offers a variety of pet-friendly hotels, each with unique pros and cons, catering to the needs of pet owners traveling with their furry friends. There’s something for everyone, from luxurious stays to cozy, home-style accommodations. As you plan your trip, consider which amenities are most important to you and your pet and how the hotel’s policies align with your needs. 

Which of these pet-friendly hotels appeals to you the most for your next visit to Metro Manila, or is there another hidden gem you’d suggest to fellow pet owners? Let us know in the comments!

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

First Time Pet Parents, Tips, Travel

Can Parvo Cause Neurological Problems in Dogs? Understanding the Link

Parvovirus, commonly known as parvo, is a highly contagious virus that affects dogs, causing severe vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. While most dogs can recover with prompt veterinary care, parvo can be deadly, especially for young puppies or dogs with weakened immune systems. 

In addition to the physical symptoms, recent studies have suggested that parvo may lead to neurological problems in some dogs. This article will explore the link between parvo and neurological problems in dogs and what pet owners should know.

Detailed Symptomatology

In the wake of a parvo diagnosis, vigilance for neurological signs is crucial. These symptoms may initially be subtle, often manifesting as behavioral changes. Your dog might appear unusually quiet or withdrawn, which can escalate to more pronounced symptoms. 

As the virus progresses, you may observe your pet developing a wobbly gait, known as ataxia, or experiencing full-body tremors. In severe cases, dogs could exhibit seizures marked by convulsions and loss of consciousness. Notably, younger dogs with less mature immune systems may show these neurological symptoms more rapidly and with greater intensity.

Treatment Options

Upon noticing any neurological symptoms, immediate veterinary intervention is paramount. Your vet may administer anti-seizure medications to manage convulsions and recommend hospitalization for intensive care if symptoms are severe. 

Treatment often includes intravenous (IV) fluids to combat dehydration and balance electrolytes alongside anti-nausea medications to help control vomiting. For long-term management, dogs with neurological effects may require physical therapy to regain strength and coordination. 

Environmental adaptations, such as non-slip surfaces and quiet resting areas, can also support recovery. It’s essential to maintain an open dialogue with your veterinarian, as they will tailor the treatment plan to your dog’s specific needs and monitor their recovery process closely.

Navigating Treatment Options

When a dog shows neurological symptoms from parvo, time is of the essence. Vets often start with anticonvulsants to manage seizures. Fluid therapy, vital to address dehydration, can also help flush toxins. Dogs severely affected by parvo might need more aggressive treatment, such as IV immunoglobulin therapy. 

Additionally, medications to reduce brain swelling and protect the nervous system can be part of the treatment regimen. Throughout recovery, your vet might adjust treatments based on how your dog responds, ensuring the best possible outcome.

Offering Recovery Support

Supporting your furry friend through recovery from parvo is a journey that requires patience and understanding. For dogs with coordination challenges, gentle physical support can help them move safely. You might need to carry them outside or provide support with a harness. 

Modifying your home environment is also beneficial. Think non-slip mats and soft bedding in a quiet corner to rest. Nutritious food that’s easy to digest supports their weakened system. Remember, your companionship is a powerful medicine. Stay present, offer gentle encouragement, and provide all the cuddles your dog is comfortable with — it can significantly boost their morale and recovery speed.

Understanding Vaccines and Your Dog’s Health

Vaccinating your dog against parvo is a multi-step process that begins in puppyhood. The DA2PPC vaccine, commonly known as the distemper-parvo vaccine, is administered in a series of shots and boosts immunity against several serious diseases, including parvo. 

Vets may use different brands or combinations, so it’s wise to discuss the best option for your pup. Side effects are generally mild, ranging from soreness at the injection site to mild fever. Rarely more severe reactions occur, and it’s vital to contact your vet if your dog’s behavior changes post-vaccination.

Implementing Rigorous Hygiene Practices

Keeping your environment clean is an effective defense against parvo. It begins with a bleach solution — a go-to disinfectant for areas exposed to an infected dog. Regularly wash your dog’s bedding, bowls, and toys with this solution. 

Remember, the virus can linger on shoes and clothes, so it’s prudent to remove and clean these items before interacting with unvaccinated dogs.

Understanding the Canine Immune System

Dogs’ immune systems are complex, protecting them from many pathogens. Puppies, however, have immature immune systems that are still developing, which makes them more vulnerable to aggressive viruses like parvo. 

Dogs with compromised immune systems, whether from age, illness, or genetics, also struggle to fend off infections. These dogs may not respond to the vaccine as robustly, so it’s essential to keep them away from known hotspots of the virus and maintain strict hygiene protocols.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can adult dogs get parvo even if they’ve been vaccinated?

Yes, while rare, it’s possible for vaccinated adult dogs to contract parvo if their immunity has waned. Keeping up with regular booster shots minimizes this risk.

How long does the parvovirus survive in the environment?

The parvovirus is hardy and can survive for months outside a host under the right conditions. Disinfection and good hygiene are your best defenses.

Can a dog get parvo more than once?

In most cases, dogs that recover from parvo develop strong immunity, making reinfection unlikely. However, it’s not impossible, especially if the dog’s immune system is compromised.

Should I vaccinate my puppy against parvo during a parvo outbreak?

Absolutely. The protective benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks, especially during an outbreak. Consult your vet for the safest way to do this.


Parvo is a severe viral infection that can cause various symptoms in dogs, from vomiting and diarrhea to neurological problems such as seizures and tremors. While it is still unclear why some dogs develop neurological symptoms after parvo infection, it is believed that the severity of the infection, age, and immune status of the dog can all play a role. 

Prevention through vaccination and good hygiene practices is crucial to protect your dog from parvo and other canine diseases. If your dog shows signs of parvo, seek veterinary care immediately to improve their chances of recovery and reduce the risk of complications.

Knowing parvo and its implications, you can safeguard your pet’s well-being. Embrace preventive measures like vaccination, enforce strict hygiene, and if symptoms arise, seek veterinary care promptly. Nutrition also plays a pivotal role in your dog’s health, especially when recovering from illnesses. 

For high-quality dog food that supports a strong immune system, switch to Bare Dog Food. Our products are designed to nourish your dog at every stage of recovery and beyond. Give your dogs the vitality they need and the delicious flavors they love with Bare.

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

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First-Time Dog Mom? Here’s What You Need to Know to Prepare for Your Dog’s Delivery

Welcoming a litter of puppies into the world can be an exciting and rewarding experience for dog owners. However, it can also be nerve-wracking, especially for first-time dog moms. 

Preparing for the delivery, learning aftercare, and knowing the overall needs of the pregnant dog are crucial to ensure a safe and healthy delivery for both the mother and her puppies. 

In this article, we’ll provide essential information on what to expect during the dog’s pregnancy, what to prepare for the delivery, and how to take care of the mother and her pups post-delivery.

Signs of Pregnancy in Dogs

You must know your dog’s pregnancy signs as a responsible dog owner. It’s challenging to know whether your dog is pregnant in the first few weeks. You don’t only look for physical signs but also have to notice a change in your dog’s behavior and demeanor.

Instead of playing guessing games, it’s always best to take your dog to a vet for a pregnancy check-up and ultrasound to confirm if she’s pregnant or if these are symptoms of other concerns entirely. However, here are some common symptoms to watch out for:

  • Nesting behavior
  • Morning sickness
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Increase in appetite
  • Swollen stomach
  • Enlarged nipples
  • Gets tired easier
  • Increased irritability
  • Increased affection

A Week-by-Week Canine Pregnancy Guide

A journey through your dog’s pregnancy can be a complex process. To help you navigate, here’s a brief week-by-week guide to anticipate changes and prepare for the arrival of puppies. 

  • Weeks 1-2: Embryos journey towards the uterine horns following conception. Maintain the usual exercise regimen, but protect your dog from high-impact activities to avoid stress.
  • Weeks 3-4: The embryos start developing now that they are embedded in the uterine lining. A vet visit is crucial to discuss dietary adjustments that support embryonic growth. This is a time for gentle care, as the embryos are still fragile.
  • Weeks 5-6: The fetuses begin to take shape, with visible organs and claws. An ultrasound can confirm the number of puppies. Increase your dog’s food intake slightly, focusing on high-quality, nutrient-dense options.
  • Weeks 7-8: As puppies grow, your dog’s abdomen becomes more pronounced. Prepare the whelping box, allowing her to get accustomed to this birthing space. It’s also time to reduce her exercise to gentle, short walks.
  • Week 9 (Delivery): Delivery is imminent when your dog starts nesting. She may lose her appetite and become restless. Be alert, and ensure the whelping area has all the necessary supplies.

The Vital Role of Veterinary Support

Throughout your dog’s pregnancy, regular veterinary check-ups are indispensable. Around week five, schedule an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy and see the litter size. Discuss which vaccinations are safe during pregnancy, as some can harm the developing puppies.

During weeks six to seven, the vet can palpate the abdomen to check on the puppies’ development. This hands-on examination assures you of their growth and positions. As the due date nears, consult your vet about the birth process and post-natal care. They can provide invaluable guidance on when and how to assist with the delivery and when to step back and let Mother Nature take its course.

Preparing for Potential Emergencies

Recognizing the signs of an emergency is crucial. If your dog experiences intense labor without delivering or seems excessively tired or anxious, seek immediate veterinary care. An emergency kit should include your vet’s contact information, directions to the nearest emergency clinic, clean towels, and necessary first-aid items.

Preparing for the Delivery

Preparing for the delivery involves creating a comfortable and safe space for your dog to give birth. It would help if you made a whelping box in a quiet and warm location in your home, with clean bedding for the mother and her puppies. You should also ensure you have all the necessary supplies, such as sanitary towels, scissors, and a heating pad.

Nutritional Needs of a Pregnant Dog

The nutritional demands of a pregnant dog are significantly higher, especially in the latter stages of gestation. Collaborate with your vet to adjust her diet, which may involve increasing her protein and calorie intake to ensure the puppies develop properly. During the last few weeks, your dog might need several smaller meals throughout the day instead of two large ones to accommodate her reduced stomach space.

Signs of Labor

As the delivery date approaches, you must watch your dog for signs of labor. Some of the symptoms include panting, restlessness, and frequent trips outside to urinate. Once your dog starts pushing, it’s essential to remain calm and let her do her job. You should also monitor the delivery and ensure the puppies are delivered safely.

Post-Delivery Care

After the excitement of delivery subsides, the focus shifts to the mother’s recovery. She needs a quiet space to rest and bond with her puppies. Monitor her closely for any signs of postpartum complications, such as excessive bleeding or signs of infection. It’s not uncommon for a mother dog to experience a change in appetite or mild lethargy, but these symptoms should be short-lived. Ensure she has easy access to fresh water and high-quality food to replenish nutrients, especially if she’s nursing.

Remember, the mother’s mental well-being is just as important. Gentle interaction with her and the puppies will help reassure her. If she seems unduly anxious or stressed, consult your vet for advice. Generally, a mother dog will gradually regain her pre-pregnancy energy levels and interest in activities within a few weeks.

Socialization and Training for Puppies

Early socialization and training are pivotal to a puppy’s development. Introduce your litter to various people, sights, sounds, and experiences between three to twelve weeks of age. This exposure helps them grow into well-adjusted adults, easing their ability to cope with changes and new encounters. Start with short, positive sessions at home. Gradually expose them to different people and controlled environments. Always pair new experiences with positive reinforcement, like treats or praise, to build their confidence.

Puppy training classes are an excellent resource for socialization and teaching basic commands and manners. Look for a trainer who uses positive reinforcement techniques and can tailor advice to each puppy’s temperament. Remember, patience and consistency are critical in these early stages.

Weaning Puppies

After a few weeks of nursing, it’s time to wean the puppies. You can gradually introduce them to solid food and water and reduce their dependency on their mother’s milk. You should also ensure that the puppies are socialized, vaccinated, and regularly dewormed.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Breeding dogs carries legal and ethical responsibilities that must be taken seriously. Ensure you’re aware of local regulations regarding breeding licenses and the sale of puppies. Breeder registration, often required by law, helps promote responsible breeding practices. Ethical considerations involve providing high-standard care for both the mother and her puppies. This includes adequate nutrition, veterinary care, and ensuring living conditions for exercise, play, and social interaction.

Furthermore, committing to finding responsible, loving homes for each puppy is vital. This might involve screening potential owners and providing guidance on continuing care and training. Always prioritize the welfare of the dogs over profit or convenience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my dog is in labor?

Look for signs like nesting behavior, restlessness, and a drop in body temperature.

What should I do if a puppy is not nursing? 

Try guiding them to a nipple, ensuring they latch on properly. If problems persist, consult your vet.

How long will it take for the mother to recover? 

Most dogs bounce back within a few weeks, but keep an eye on her behavior and health post-delivery.

When should the puppies receive their first vaccinations? 

Puppies typically get their first shots around six to eight weeks of age, but your vet can provide a specific schedule.


As we wrap up our guide, remember that the journey of bringing new puppies into the world is as rewarding as it is demanding. You now have the tools to navigate this path, ensuring the health and happiness of both the mother and her newborns. Embrace each step confidently, knowing your dedication will foster a nurturing start for these precious lives.

For more insights and personalized advice or to share the joys and challenges of your experience, connect with us at BARE. Our community of fellow dog lovers and experts is eager to support you. We’re here for you whether you need a comforting ear, expert guidance, or the right supplies for your dog’s journey through pregnancy and beyond.

Remember, the beautiful bond between you and your canine family grows stronger with each shared moment. We’re here to help you make each of those moments count.

Real dogs deserve real ingredients.

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Finally Owning a Dog? Here are the Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in the Philippines

Dogs are among the most beloved animals worldwide, and the Philippines is no exception. People in the country have always had a soft spot for dogs, even taking in strays that managed to capture their hearts, so it is no surprise that it is home to various dog breeds. 

In this article, we will discuss the top 10 most popular dog breeds in the Philippines, including their characteristics and why they are so well-loved in the country.

Things to Consider Before Choosing a Dog Breed

Getting a dog brings a special kind of joy. Visiting the pet store to buy your new pup toys and researching the healthiest dog food available locally are some of the many exciting new tasks you’ll have as a fur parent. After all, those wagging tails and eager eyes light up homes across the world. They’re already part of the family before we even bring them home!

In the Philippines, more and more households are experiencing this happiness by adopting a furry friend. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a dog breed:

  • Size and space requirements: Think about how much space you have at home. Bigger breeds need more room to move and play.
  • Grooming needs: Some breeds require regular grooming due to their long hair, while others with short hair might need minimal care.
  • Activity levels and temperament: Dogs vary in energy. Some are active and playful, while others are more laid-back and prefer lounging.
  • Health concerns specific to certain breeds: It’s essential to research any health issues or vulnerabilities that certain breeds might have.
  • Nutritional requirements: Dietary needs and restrictions typically vary between breeds, sizes, and ages. Some dogs thrive on a balanced, high-protein diet, while others might need a clean-label dry dog food alternative for sensitive stomachs or allergies.

Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in the Philippines

1. Aspin (Asong Pinoy)

Aspins, or Asong Pinoy, are the most common dog breeds in the Philippines. They are a mixed breed found all over the country, from households to public spaces like streets, open-air malls, and beaches. Aspins are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and ability to adapt to different living conditions. They are also very low-maintenance and easy to take care of.

2. Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a small dog breed known for their long, flowing hair and affectionate nature. They are famous lap dogs that, true to that title, love to cuddle and be as close to their human as possible. Shih Tzus are also known for being intelligent, loyal, and easy to train. Shih Tsuz are perfect for people with allergies and asthma, as these dogs are shed very little.

3. Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized dog breed known for their striking ice-blue eyes and thick, fluffy double coats. They are incredibly active, mischievous, playful, and often loud dogs, easily making them hilarious social media sensations. As a testament to their Arctic ancestry, they prefer cooler temperatures and are one of the breeds that love bath time.

4. Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are one of the smallest dog breeds in the world and are known for their feisty personality. Despite their small size, Chihuahuas have big personalities and are full of energy. Truly the definition of small but terrible, chihuahuas are very loyal and protective of their humans, sometimes becoming aggressive to suspicious outsiders.

5. Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most famous dog breeds worldwide, including the Philippines. They are known for their friendly, outgoing personalities and ability to get along with children and other animals. Labrador Retrievers are also very intelligent and easy to train. However, this breed typically has high energy levels, so extra exercise is a must!

6. Beagle

Beagles are a medium-sized dog breed known for their excellent sense of smell, often used as hunting dogs in the past. Despite their often boisterous personalities, beagles are also known for being outgoing and easy to care for. Beagles also have huge appetites for their size and tend to become overweight, so provide them with a balanced high-protein diet to help them build muscle and sustain the active lifestyle they were built for.

7. Golden Retriever

The golden retriever is a large dog breed known for its beautiful golden coat and friendly personality. Because of their intelligence and loyalty, golden retrievers are often trained as service dogs. Their playful but gentle nature makes golden retrievers great pets for households with young children. In fact, their mouths are soft enough to hold an egg intact!

8. Poodle

Poodles are a popular dog breed in the Philippines because of their hypoallergenic curly coats and their high intelligence. They come in different sizes, including standard, miniature, and toy. Despite their initial wariness, poodles are a loyal breed. They tend to be very overprotective of their humans, especially the younger household members.

9. Dachshund

Dachshunds, more funnily known as wiener dogs, are small to medium-sized dogs known for their long, sausage-like bodies. Their short legs keep them close to the ground, making it easy to track scents and hunt. These clever dogs tend to be loud, with strong barks contrasting their small stature. However, thanks to this, they make perfect guard dogs.

10. Rottweiler

Rottweilers are a large dog breed known for its protective nature. Because of their size and confidence, they are often used as guard dogs. To outsiders, their aloof exterior makes them amazing guardians. But rottweilers tend to be calm, affectionate, and loyal to their owners.

Key Takeaways from the Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in the Philippines

Several dog breeds are popular in the Philippines for various reasons, from financial capacity to climate to household situations. Each breed has unique characteristics and personalities that can fit different lifestyles, families, activity levels, and overall preferences. 

Whether you prefer a small, medium, or large dog, a service or guard dog, or a show or lap dog, there’s a breed that perfectly suits your needs. Research and talk to breeders or pet experts before adopting a dog. This way, you can welcome them into your family and introduce them to a new and exciting life filled with the love and care they deserve. 

Remember that adopting or buying a dog is a huge commitment. Make sure you’re ready to take care of another sentient life. That said, having a dog of any breed is a rewarding experience that can bring much joy and companionship to your life. 

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